What is it and why does it work? Micro-current is a sub current that dives right in to repair and stimulate or provide a charge at the cellular level. Application is through the use of probes or wands, brass plates, and or in combination with acupuncture needles or rollers using various currents, voltages, intensities, polarities and waveforms. This instrument and its application heal by picking up where the body's own electrical current has failed.
To understand the breadth of this treatment and its potential for healing many, many issues, we must start and understand ourselves at the cellular level. The Nobel Prize was earned by two Germans in 1991 for discovering that the cell membrane wall is the actual intelligence of the whole being. To be truly healthy the 18-44 gates or pathways through this membrane wall in each cell of each organ system of our body need to be working effectively. The number or openings or gates depends upon the specialty of that cell allowing specific nutrients to enter and certain waste products to exit.
Following a trauma, (which interestingly, can be emotional or physical such as surgery, injury or the evolvement of aging), ingestion of life-giving oxygen, minerals and nutrients malfunctions or drops considerably.. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. Our cells tend to become more or less paralyzed and do not functional normally to ingest nutrients and subsequently expel waste products. The powerhouse or mitochondrial function of the cell declines significantly. It is known that the more efficiently your cells function to transport essential nutrients through the cell wall into the mitochondria (our cellular powerhouse) and quickly remove toxic wastes out of the cell, the quicker your cells can receive vital nutrients to promote health and prevent aging. Studies from Universities in Germany have shown that the most important event in alleviating long term chronic pain is to restore the normal cellular electrical potential to the cell's membrane (thus restoring normal functionality). The major factor that nearly all researchers are missing in anti-aging programs is this factor of fuel burning. By repairing and increasing the function of these cellular walls by as little as 1% we may increase life span by as much as 10 years.
The major reasons for aging are oxidative stress and free radical damage from environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides, all contributing to our building load of free radicals which only accelerates with the aging process. .
We don't exactly think of ourselves as electrical beings but we very much are. Throughout our bodies all communication is electrical and moves by positively and negatively charged ions. Remember that electrical currents like to take the path of least resistance. Now what happens with injury, surgery, trauma and aging when these paths are disrupted or even disconnected? Essentially, that area we have traumatized no longer functions properly. Current now moves around the injury or defect rather than through it. The cells making up the traumatized area no longer are sufficiently charged and do not function either effectively or efficiently. The person gets "better" but the body has reached a lesser functioning point by compensation and does not truly become repaired in that place of injury. Later on, in many cases that "old injury resurfaces" to our surprise and frustration.. Need Diesel Generator, please contact us We never healed it in the first place and usually due to some "stress" in our mid-lives, it returns to offer us that opportunity to do the real healing we need to do. We have to repair the cell.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others
Other than acupuncture, some type of electrical healing,. Weclome toload cell online store. faith healing, rife frequencies, hands-on, or just plain voodoo, electro micro-current in my experience is the most effective of all. Why?
How does it work to heal wounds? Many studies have been conducted on wound healing. In reviewing the evidence and in comparison to other means of wound care healing, it has been demonstrated that electro micro current healing out-performs all others.