
Danger! Cell Phones and Young Children

What possible good can come from a nine to thirteen year old adolescent having a cell phone? With so many child predators out there these days giving your child a cell phone is giving these people another means of contacting and preying on innocent children. Or is it? 

Could a cell phone in a child's hand help to prevent a would be attacker from taking advantage of a situation? Think about it. If your child had a cell phone they would be able to call you or the police with the push of just one button. If it became the norm for children at this vulnerable age to carry cell phones, then child predators would think twice before going after any of them.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others They wouldn't know who does or does not have a cell phone at the ready in case of an emergency. 

But that wouldn't stop them from getting the child's cell phone number and calling to him or her. Just like children in chat rooms, they would become victims without ever getting suspicious until it's too late. Since anyone can use caller ID blocking there is no way of knowing who is calling your kid when you aren't with them. Or is there a way to control all of this? 

What if there was a cell phone that your child could use to call mom, dad, or the police very quickly. What if you could control who your child could call with their cell phone and who was able to. Weclome toload cell online store. call them? If you could program a cell phone to only dial numbers that you approved first and only accepted incoming calls from numbers that you programmed into it, would you consider having your child carry this phone? 

Think about it. Because of some fiasco at work you realized that you were going to be a little late picking up your son or daughter from practice, it would be a load off your child's mind to know that you are on your way. If they ended up getting detention at school and would be late getting out, wouldn't it be nice to know before you had to wait 30 minutes outside of the school worrying your head off about where he or she is? 

There is a phone that is designed for exactly this purpose. It is the FireFly(TM). It has just six buttons. One for Mom, one for Dad, one for emergency services (with accidental call prevention), two to scroll up and down pre-programmed numbers, and a call start/end button. Since this phone does not have games or text messaging you don't have to worry about all those extra charges getting added to your phone bill. Simply program the numbers for mom and dad into the phone, and any numbers that you approve of into the calling/receiving list, and tell them to have it with them at all times. 

The FireFly(TM) is becoming available for most carriers. Compare rates from different carriers to see which ones are available in your area and find the best deal. Invest in some peace of mind for yourself and a learning experience for your child.

