Machine embroidery is a special type of embroidery, performed by special automatic machines, functioning according to the man's adjusted program.
This man is designer, constructor. He creates the embroidery program (design) - the machine operation algorithm, which can be in consequence repeated unlimited number of times. The machine following the given program, automatically executes the embroidery on material. In this way, the main features of machine embroidery are the absence of manual labor at the stage of outright embroidery, and the possibility of embroidery samples duplication.
The machine embroidery is a recent kind of activity, in contrast to manual embroidery, existing for thousands of years. The machine embroidery began its existence nearly 50 years ago and in 1980-ies the demand of the profession of machine embroidery designer began to grow. Nowadays the demand is actually as well. During the period of machine embroidery existence, its creation technology has changed beyond recognition.
The machines that once used as source of information the punched card, limited in speed and quality of embroidery, were replaced by microprocessor-based, highly productive, multihead machines with advanced technology equipment, optimizing the embroidery process.. Weclome toload cell online store.
The process of machine embroidery technologically consists of two closely associated stages:
The embroidery designing stage, or the construction stage of machine embroidery-represents the pro. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others.cess of creation of embroidery machine program. At this stage are developed the construction components of machine embroidery.
The technical stage represents the direct gasoline chain saw manufacture by means of machine. At this stage are developed the technical components of machine embroidery.
Both this stages are at the same time quite independent from the point of view of manufacture, which helps to differentiate them and to mark out two different basic types of industrial activity accordingly. It is a question of enterprises that are specialized directly in program creation, or in gasoline chain saw embroidery creation. Each of these manufacture branches develops round itself a branching infrastructure system.
For example, nowadays there are a great number of producers of special program maintenance for machine embroidery, of embroidery machines and special concomitant equipment producers, of outlay materials producers, used for embroidery manufacture. Many companies, in accordance with machine embroidery branch needs are adjusting the directions of its activity. For example, the producers of textile dye stuff make special adjustments of qualities and spectrum, the clothing producers change the construction, adjusting it to the technology of machine embroidery manufacture.