
First let's look at what makes garlic so beneficial for you

Garlic supplements are an easy and effective way to consume garlic, so your friends and family will not be offended by the odor. These types of supplements have been around for more than 25 years. There are two types of garlic supplements on the market and hundreds of manufactures. You will find either Fresh Garlic supplements or Aged Garlic supplements each of which will claim their garlic is the best and most beneficial. We are going to take a look and see which type of garlic is most beneficial and why?

First let's look at what makes garlic so beneficial for you. At first glance, fresh garlic does not seem to be much of a vegetable. Garlic is consumed in very small amounts; one serving of garlic provides very little vitamins. For example: the vitamin C in one serving of garlic is 1 mg compared to potatoes having 26mg and broccoli having 82mg.(4) So what makes Garlic so good? It's the collection of compounds in Fresh garlic called sulfur compounds, this is what make it beneficial to the body. Over 90% of the research done on garlic has been done on these sulfur compounds. Sulfur has been used in pharmaceuticals for years. For example antibiotics, blood pressure lowering drugs and diuretics all have sulfur. Since sulfur is so readily absorbed into the body, pharmaceutical companies have been able to blend sulfur with medications to make them more effective.

Researchers have primarily focused on one group of sulfur compounds in garlic; this group is called thiosulfates. Alliin and allinnase are the primary substances found in the garlic clove and both are found in separate chambers in the garlic clove. Allinnase is an activating enzyme, when garlic is crushed or cut the alliin and allinnase combine to make thiosulfate allicin. This new compound created is what gives garlic its beneficial effects.The bride must the beautiful woman in the wedding and the bridesmaid also need a oveliness prom dress.Cheap wedding dress,Evening dress,Bridesmaid dress,Prom dress,Fromal Tuxedos,Evening tuxedos. (3)

Research has found that allicin has a wide range of benefits. These benefits include (1) allicin can help kill bacteria and fungi, (2) reduce inflammation, (3) prevent the common cold, (4) stop tumor growth, (5) kill cancer cells, (6) help keep blood from clotting, (7) prevent heart attach, (8) reduce LDL and raise HDL cholesterol, (9) reduce triglycerides, (10) lower blood pressure, (11) improve blood flow in the lungs and help open breathing passages, (12) help reduce liver damage, and (13) allicin works as an antioxidant fighting free radicals in the body.

All the evidence points to how allicin benefits our body yet aged garlic supplement manufactures discount allicin as the primary health compound. You might be wondering why would anyone discount allicin as beneficial when 90% of research has focused around allicin. Is the research wrong?

The chemistry of allicin is why manufacturers claim allicin is not the key component that benefits the body. Studies have shown allicin to be an unstable compound. Allicin will breaking down just after a few hours and can loose 50% of its potency from 4 - 30 days if left exposed to Air.(3) Only a few manufactures make garlic tablets air tight. Manufactures claim that allicin can be destroyed by stomach acids and rightfully so.We provide authentic quality ugg boots. christian louboutin shoes with best quality and the lowest price,there is also herve leger dress discount off,Enjoying Bargain Sales On Womens Fashion Branded boots Now! This is why fresh garlic supplements are enteric coated so that it passed through the stomach and opens in the intestines where it is needed most. Once you understand how allicin works in the body you will see why aged garlic is not the most beneficial to choose.

Aged garlic has a compound called S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC). This compound is what aged garlic manufacturers claim is good for you. An interesting fact, fresh garlic doesn't contain any SAMC. SAMC only appears after the aging process.(5)

SAMC research has been studied with cancer, heart, immune function, and stress. These studies were conducted with high amounts of aged garlic, ranging from 10 to 20 grams each day and after months and months of continuous use. These dosages are nowhere near normal garlic consumption levels; for over 900 years people have been consuming fresh garlic and experiencing benefits at minimal levels how can aged garlic be beneficial at normal doses?

Aged garlic is made by placing sliced garlic in a solution that contains 15% - 20% ethanol and then is stored for 20 months. After 20 months the solution is filtered and concentrated. While the solution is stored for 20 months, the allicin and most of the thiosulfates are destroyed. Let's now look at fresh garlic.

