
Danger! Cell Phones and Young Children

What possible good can come from a nine to thirteen year old adolescent having a cell phone? With so many child predators out there these days giving your child a cell phone is giving these people another means of contacting and preying on innocent children. Or is it? 

Could a cell phone in a child's hand help to prevent a would be attacker from taking advantage of a situation? Think about it. If your child had a cell phone they would be able to call you or the police with the push of just one button. If it became the norm for children at this vulnerable age to carry cell phones, then child predators would think twice before going after any of them.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others They wouldn't know who does or does not have a cell phone at the ready in case of an emergency. 

But that wouldn't stop them from getting the child's cell phone number and calling to him or her. Just like children in chat rooms, they would become victims without ever getting suspicious until it's too late. Since anyone can use caller ID blocking there is no way of knowing who is calling your kid when you aren't with them. Or is there a way to control all of this? 

What if there was a cell phone that your child could use to call mom, dad, or the police very quickly. What if you could control who your child could call with their cell phone and who was able to. Weclome toload cell online store. call them? If you could program a cell phone to only dial numbers that you approved first and only accepted incoming calls from numbers that you programmed into it, would you consider having your child carry this phone? 

Think about it. Because of some fiasco at work you realized that you were going to be a little late picking up your son or daughter from practice, it would be a load off your child's mind to know that you are on your way. If they ended up getting detention at school and would be late getting out, wouldn't it be nice to know before you had to wait 30 minutes outside of the school worrying your head off about where he or she is? 

There is a phone that is designed for exactly this purpose. It is the FireFly(TM). It has just six buttons. One for Mom, one for Dad, one for emergency services (with accidental call prevention), two to scroll up and down pre-programmed numbers, and a call start/end button. Since this phone does not have games or text messaging you don't have to worry about all those extra charges getting added to your phone bill. Simply program the numbers for mom and dad into the phone, and any numbers that you approve of into the calling/receiving list, and tell them to have it with them at all times. 

The FireFly(TM) is becoming available for most carriers. Compare rates from different carriers to see which ones are available in your area and find the best deal. Invest in some peace of mind for yourself and a learning experience for your child.

Samsung r810c Finesse Review - Straight Talk

The Samsung Finesse r810c was released for Straight Talk Wireless in December, 2009, and created a LOT of buzz among prepaid phone users. At first glance, the r810c appears to be everything prepaid users have been dreaming of: it includes a large touch screen, high-speed EVDO data connection, music player, 2.0 mp camera, camcorder, bluetooth, and many other features. 

To top it all off, this phone is now available on Straight Talk's inexpensive, no-contract plans. At $45 per month, the unlimited calling, text, and data plan is pretty appealing, especially when that data is coming over a 3G connection. For people who, like me, are geeky enough to lust after the iPhone but "frugal" enough to stick to prepaid, this might be the perfect solution. 

In fact, I couldn't resist. After reading a few of the initial reviews of the Finesse from other Straight Talk users,. Weclome toload cell online store. I bit the bullet and purchased my own Samsung r810c, along with a month of unlimited service. 

I've just received the phone, and I'm so enamored with the device I set up a separate Samsung r810c website to publish my review of the phone and share tips and tricks with other Straight Talk users. As I gain more experience with the Finesse, I'll be putting up a very detailed review of the phone. I'll also do my best to answer any questions that people might have if I happen to miss important information in my review. 

As I said above, I've only had the phone a few days, so I haven't used it enough to really test it out. Here's what I can tell you so far, though - the voice quality seems adequate, but not fantastic. I would say it's on par with the Samsung r451c, another Straight Talk phone released earlier this fall, but not quite as good as the LG 290c and 220c,. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others also recent models on Straight Talk. 

What is beyond compare, though, is the touch screen and EVDO browser. The touch screen definitely takes some getting used to, but I think I'll grow to like it. It's similar to an iPhone or iPod touch as far as how the touch screen works, but just a little different in sensitivity. 

One thing worth noting here is that, unlike the aforementioned Apple products, the Finesse lacks "gasoline chain saw" functionality. This means that the screen can sense only one "touch" at time, thus preventing use of Apple's popular pinch-to-zoom operation. As an iPod touch user, I find that a little disappointing. Beyond that disappointment, though, I like the touch screen. This is the first touch-screen phone I've used. It's nice to use, and even nicer to look at it 

One thing that I really like is the EVDO internet access. I've had several phones now with internet access, but used them all very little because they were so slow. That is not the case with the r810c's 3G data. It's certainly not as fast as broadband internet at your home, but it's fast enough that I'd be load cell to use it to pass time while waiting in a waiting room or as a passenger in a vehicle. 

Just as a point of reference, I was able to load the CNN website in about a minute, complete with a dozen pictures. On previous prepaid phones, if it loaded at all it would have taken several minutes to load a site like CNN, and that wouldn't have included any pictures at all.

Do Hydrogen Fuel Cells Increase Gas Mileage?

Making Hydrogen For Cars Works And It Has Beneficial Side Effects Too 

Making combustible gas from water is proven technology and has been around since the 1950's. When talking about combustion engines we're not talking about a stand alone fuel source or renewable energy. We're talking about a combustible soup, a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, that assists the combustion cycle. When used correctly with an efficient set of plans, this system does save on gas usage. Your vehicle will burn less gas increase horsepower and emit cleaner emissions. 

Introducing Our Little Cash Saving Friend "HHO" 

HHO "hybrid hydrogen oxygen" is what we're after. This little cocktail is going to increase our fuel efficiency, and is extracted from water. You can run your fuel leaner when you introduce HHO, hence the added miles per gallon. Pilots lean their fuel when they fly above 10,. Weclome toload cell online store.000 feet, because running leaner saves gas. Chances are your car isn't flying, and is under more atmospheric pressure than those planes, so we're going to introduce HHO to achieve the same effect. We're going to lean your fuel with it, you are going to use less fuel. HHO is going to burn the fuel you would normally just cook and waste in your catalytic converter too. So there are two bangs for your buck, and we haven't even started yet. 

Making Hydrogen For Cars Comes With Beneficial Side Effects Too 

You can put all those fuel injection cleaners and gas additives back on the shelf. When you run HHO through your engine you dissolve carbon buildup and clean out your engine. Not too bad for the price of water! Your personal phone book can be stored on your Jitterbug J,. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.Your engine will immediately run smoother and cooler, this alone will add longevity to it's life. The more complete combustion removes the unused gas that would have normally gone through your catalytic converter. The byproduct of the HHO combustion is water vapor. Your emissions will be much cleaner and environmentally friendly. 

Does It Take More Energy To Make Hydrogen Than You Get? 

So...The big question is " Does it take more energy to make hydrogen for cars, than these fuel cells give? " 

NO! If you're getting more miles per gallon, then show me where your loosing energy. These cells work off of your battery, which is recharged by your alternator. So do they draw power? Of course they draw power,. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw saw and others so do your windshield wipers, air conditioning and lights... Do those kill your battery? Well if you leave your lights on without your vehicle running yes! The point is the battery is taking the load, but being replenished by the alternator, just as you wouldn't leave your lights on without the car running the same applies to your fuel cell. A set of good plans accounts for this. The benefits of using hydrogen far outweigh the initial costs.

Get Cell Phone Spyware Software Instead

 Is your marriage crumbling because of possible marital infidelity by your spouse? Are you at your breaking point and thinking of hiring a cheating spouse detective to confirm if your spouse is cheating on you? 

If your not 100% sure, and your suspicions are just that at this point, before you hire a private detective, consider using an undetectable mobile phone spyware first. 

The mobile spy is cheap, accurate and much less expensive than the daily rates of a private detective. 

Especially if you're not even sure your spouse is playing around, and just want to check up on them. 

Hiring a private detective to follow a spouse around all day can be a very costly expense.. Weclome toload cell online store. Typical private investigator fees could easily top 250.00 a day. 

And, that's without expenses. The average cost of investigating and proving marital cheating is over 5,000.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter.00 dollars an investigation. 

Cell Phone Spyware Software costs less than 1 day of a cheating spouse surveillance fee, and can give the user extremely private and valuable information within 20 minutes. 

The user only needs to load the spyware software into their spouses phone and within minutes they can: 

Read Their Spouses Private Text Messages on Their Computer 

Eavesdrop on Cellphone Calls From Their Laptop 

Spy on eMails From Their Office at Work 

Get the GPS Location of Their Spouses Mobile Phone and See Where They are at Anytime 

Remotely Turn on Their Spouses Cellphone Microphone for Spying on Conversations When Their Spouse is "Out of Town on Business" 

By using the cell phone spyware the user can conduct their own cheating spouse investigations at a fraction of the cost of a private investigator, saving them thousands of dollars that could be used to hire a good divorce attorney, if indeed they find their spouse is cheating on them. 

Within 20 minutes of access to the suspected cheaters mobile phone, the mobile spy software can be installed and the detective process can begin gathering the proof against a cheating spouse. The most important feature to consider is strong signal reception.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.Proof that can be used in divorce court. 

Once the software is loaded into the mobile phone, all the information contained in the phones memory can be immediately downloaded to a home computer where the files are organized into email, voice mail, text messaging, and even deleted files can be searched. 

And, once the cell phone spyware software is installed, the user can log onto their computer at anytime and remotely eavesdrop on their spouses cellphone calls in live time. 

They can also remotely turn on the microphone and listen in on private conversations of their spouse, and whomever they're with. 

The mobile phone spy is a cheaper alternative to hiring a private detective, and an undetectable way to gather the proof to confront your spouse if indeed they are caught.

Cell Anti-Aging Natural Therapy With Electro Micro-Current

What is it and why does it work? Micro-current is a sub current that dives right in to repair and stimulate or provide a charge at the cellular level. Application is through the use of probes or wands, brass plates, and or in combination with acupuncture needles or rollers using various currents, voltages, intensities, polarities and waveforms. This instrument and its application heal by picking up where the body's own electrical current has failed. 

To understand the breadth of this treatment and its potential for healing many, many issues, we must start and understand ourselves at the cellular level. The Nobel Prize was earned by two Germans in 1991 for discovering that the cell membrane wall is the actual intelligence of the whole being. To be truly healthy the 18-44 gates or pathways through this membrane wall in each cell of each organ system of our body need to be working effectively. The number or openings or gates depends upon the specialty of that cell allowing specific nutrients to enter and certain waste products to exit. 

Following a trauma, (which interestingly, can be emotional or physical such as surgery, injury or the evolvement of aging), ingestion of life-giving oxygen, minerals and nutrients malfunctions or drops considerably.. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. Our cells tend to become more or less paralyzed and do not functional normally to ingest nutrients and subsequently expel waste products. The powerhouse or mitochondrial function of the cell declines significantly. It is known that the more efficiently your cells function to transport essential nutrients through the cell wall into the mitochondria (our cellular powerhouse) and quickly remove toxic wastes out of the cell, the quicker your cells can receive vital nutrients to promote health and prevent aging. Studies from Universities in Germany have shown that the most important event in alleviating long term chronic pain is to restore the normal cellular electrical potential to the cell's membrane (thus restoring normal functionality). The major factor that nearly all researchers are missing in anti-aging programs is this factor of fuel burning. By repairing and increasing the function of these cellular walls by as little as 1% we may increase life span by as much as 10 years. 

The major reasons for aging are oxidative stress and free radical damage from environmental factors such as pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke and herbicides, all contributing to our building load of free radicals which only accelerates with the aging process. . 

We don't exactly think of ourselves as electrical beings but we very much are. Throughout our bodies all communication is electrical and moves by positively and negatively charged ions. Remember that electrical currents like to take the path of least resistance. Now what happens with injury, surgery, trauma and aging when these paths are disrupted or even disconnected? Essentially, that area we have traumatized no longer functions properly. Current now moves around the injury or defect rather than through it. The cells making up the traumatized area no longer are sufficiently charged and do not function either effectively or efficiently. The person gets "better" but the body has reached a lesser functioning point by compensation and does not truly become repaired in that place of injury. Later on, in many cases that "old injury resurfaces" to our surprise and frustration.. Need Diesel Generator, please contact us We never healed it in the first place and usually due to some "stress" in our mid-lives, it returns to offer us that opportunity to do the real healing we need to do. We have to repair the cell.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others 

Other than acupuncture, some type of electrical healing,. Weclome toload cell online store. faith healing, rife frequencies, hands-on, or just plain voodoo, electro micro-current in my experience is the most effective of all. Why? 

How does it work to heal wounds? Many studies have been conducted on wound healing. In reviewing the evidence and in comparison to other means of wound care healing, it has been demonstrated that electro micro current healing out-performs all others.

Motorola TracFone C139-4 Cell Phone

This Motorola TracFone C139-4 is perfect for people who don't use their cell phone often. The phone is very cheap but it could go up if you add features like flip phone and camera.. Potain, a tower crane company in the construction crane industry. You can load the phone for minutes or even ninety days of service. You don't have to worry of paying monthly contract however you can get a plan and free minutes.. Weclome toload cell online store. Although the Motorola TracFone C139-4 is cheap, and easy to use, there are times when the reception is low in some remote areas. This phone would expect you to clear your messages when it reaches a certain number. 

When you are making a call using the Motorola TracFone C139-4, it drops when it reach a certain period. It makes a loud beeping sound that you can't hear the person on the other line.. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. It will suddenly abrupt your conversation which can be quite irritating. I have to say that this is annoying.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others It is enough to hear a small beep in the background for people who can't track their minutes. There are other problems with Motorola TracFone C139-4. This phone doesn't have fancy features like ringtones or background. There are built in ones but they are quite boring. Anyone can easily detect that you have this kind of phone. 

There are few extras of this Motorola TracFone C139-4 but they are pretty basic in nature. You can find easy to use charger. The battery life is quite okay as it will last for five days without charging. The Motorola TracFone C139-4 has other generic features like calculator, alarm clock, calendar and more. You can keep track of the messages that you sent and received. This often comes in handy in certain situation. For entertainment, this phone is equipped with three games. They are quite interesting but the controls are pretty basic. 

You might wonder if this Motorola TracFone C139-4 is worth it for its low price tag. This is probably so especially if you are just using it for a phone calls or text. Before signing up, see the promotional plans that can save you a lot of money. Remember to opt for minute charging. It is best to be wise if you are making a deal because a Motorola TracFone C139-4 can cost you much as other cell phone provider with monthly contract. All the features don't change the fact that this phone cost about ten dollars. The worth is dependent on what kind of cell phone user are you and your patience.

Reverse Cell Phone Database

A reverse cell phone database can come in handy for a number of reasons. First, it will allow you to search any cell phone, land line, or even unlisted number. It also allows you to be able to search for people without knowing their first name, where they live, or where they came from.. Potain, a tower crane company in the construction crane industry. If you are interested in a reverse directory, here are 3 things that it must have in order for it to be complete. 

The first thing that any reverse lookup database should have is unlimited searches.. Weclome toload cell online store. Without this, you will only be able to run one report at a time, which will cost you more money and more effort on your part. Make sure that the directory includes unlimited searches for an entire year. 

The second thing that it should have is an updated database. Some directories on the internet are very old and they do not update their database on a regular basis.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others This can cause you to find misleading information and you will not find what you are looking for. Simply, look at the copyright symbol at the bottom of the page. It the year is this current year, then it is a good sign that the database is updated. 

The last thing that any reverse database should include is information. As we all know, some companies claim that you will receive a whole lot of information when you sign up with their program. As a results, you could be receiving very little data. In order for the directory to be efficient, it must have the following. 

Criminal Records, Warrant Searches, Names and Addresses, People Searches,. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. Business Searches, Background Checks, and much more.

Heavy Women's Purse? Learn How to Lighten Your Load

Is your women's purse too heavy? It is very common these days for a woman to carry around 20 - 25 pounds of purse clutter. Many of us do not realize how such a big load can affect our body.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others This kind of weight will definitely have an effect on your back, neck, and shoulders. If we do not change our habits we might end up in a physiotherapy or chiropractor clinic to get these areas treated. These heavy over-sized purses can throw your spine out of alignment. 

Many experts advise to take the load off - literally - and empty out your purse or wallet at least once a week. Not only that it would make our lives easier but we would save our bodies if we organize our women's purse. So stop reading right now and just damp everything from your bag on the floor. By starting right now you will prevent unnecessary injuries.. Weclome toload cell online store. 

I went around in my neighbourhood and asked many ladies to show me the most crazy things they carry in their purses. Just to mention few of them,. Wire mesh is displayed with 500 mesh photos and cutting instructions. they carry for example pacifiers, little screw drivers, tape measures or rulers,. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. sewing kits, bottles of hand sanitizers, mirrors, and the list can go on and on. 

So let's go back and lighten our bags. I prepared a simple list of 10 Must Have Things in your handbag. This should make it easy to eliminate all the unnecessary stuff that you have been carrying around. 

Wallet - incl. your ID, money/credit cards 
Cell Phone 
Keys - house and car 
Hairbrush or comb 
Gum or breath freshener 
Necessary medication 
Pen and paper 
Feminine Hygiene 

Hope you finished organizing your purse. No, not yet? Are you still struggling to decide what to keep and what not? No problem, I have one more help for you. Just answer these 3 simple questions and be honest please. 

Do I love it? 
Do I use it? 
Do I need it? 

Write down the answers and start with the selection process. It should go very fast and your purse should be perfectly organized. I can guarantee that your back will thank you if you can bring it down to these 10 items. 

To also keep those 10 items in order and not all over the place, I highly recommend to use purse organizers. They are absolutely great addition and should never be missing in your women's purse. They are very practical and since we all like to change our purses quite often, the purse organizers definitely simplify the whole procedure. 

Enjoy the new lighter women's purse and don't forget to visit you online purse boutique YourBagParadise.com Check out the best online women's purse boutique and save 60-80% of retail price. Treat yourself with some retail therapy at YourBagParadise.com and expand your handbag collection. YourBagParadise offers 100% authentic designer women's purse at absolutely discounted price. Enter the paradise and see. 

Restaurant Text Pager Systems and Cell Phone Pager Systems

The purpose of this article is to explore the practical applications of Cell Phone Pagers or Restaurant Text Pager systems, to evaluate their return on investment and speculate as to the future of the guest pager. 

Guest Pager system technology has evolved beyond the Coaster Pager to what is now known as the "Cell Phone Pager" or "Restaurant Text Pager". Savvy Restaurant managers, hotels operators, health care administrators as well as retailers are now realizing the efficiency and communication power of the mobile phone in terms of a guest services tool, that can enhance operations while keeping costs down. What makes this possible is the proliferation in mobile phone users and the advances in hand set technology i.e. smart phones,. Weclome toload cell online store. SMS, MMS, email, the mobile web and of course mobile applications (thanks to Apple). That fact that so many people have mobile phones means just about everyone has their own cell phone pager,. We are professional refrigerant,air conditioner, heat pump refrigerantion&ac spare parts Manufacturer and exporter. another words the business owner no longer has to invest in costly pager equipment ($2000 - $6,000) in order to communicate with his customers. 

According to the Mobile Marketing Association, there are over 4 billion people with cell phones, 5 times more mobile phones than laptops and computers, 272 million mobile subscribers in the U.S. 91% of them keep their phones within three of themselves 24/7. 76% of the cell phone users actively text messages, with an open rate of 95%.. We supply lawn mower,gasoline chain saw with high quality.welcome to order lawn mower,gasoline chain saw and others What are the benefits associated with cell phone guest pager system? 

Start up costs can be reduced by about 75% (from $4000 to $200) 

Pagers loss will be decreased by greater than 100% ($70 to 0) 

8 out 10 guest have a guest pager system with them i.e. a cell phone 

The ROI is less than 12 months 

The best cell phone pager system bundle the wait list cue, call a head seating and voice / text guest notification 

No server or software to load or maintain on your PC or network 

Guests have the ability to respond to the page when using a cell phone (i.e. click to call) 

Guest appreciate the freedom 

Sanitary compared to coaster pagers and reduces the spread of influenza, H1N1 and staff bacteria 

Mobile marketing module (text coupons, mobile trivia, etc) to drive traffic 


Although expensive, the restaurant pager systems developed in the 90s are simple to set up and simple to use. According to a leading manufacturer fo coaster pagers, the standard restaurant pager system will come with 20,. Wire mesh is displayed with 500 mesh photos and cutting instructions. 30, 40 or 50 pagers depending on your wait time. The average costs for a restaurant pager system can range from $2,500 for 20 pagers to well over $5,000 for a 50 pager system. Determining the number of pagers you need can be tricky and you always want to have enough but each additional pager can cost up to $70. A common frustration is having to replace missing pagers, not because they break, the guest usually walks off with them.